Thank You For Visiting Our Page...Watch This Short Video to See How Other Pastors Just Like Us, are Growing the Kingdom of God With Less Stress and More Balance in Their Lives

An Important Message From Pastor360:
Research shows that pastors face more issues, deal with more conflict, more anger, and higher expectations than ever before. Not only that, your pastor may be expected to work long hours for little pay, little reward, and be absent from his family because of the demands of ministry.
And, in most cases, research shows that pastors may not be adequately trained to meet the expectations of their parishioners. In addition, he probably has not learned to balance time and responsibilities of family and ministry or to deal adequately with the massive demands and expectations of the ‘job.’
Pastor360 is where pastors come to gain the right resources, ideas, strategies and tools to enjoy more balance, greater effectiveness, less stress, supportive accountability, and a sense of hope and joy in pastoral ministry. Your pastor enjoys these benefits through our annual membership model. Our proven strategies and techniques are delivered at our live collegial group mastermind gatherings and conferences, private video conference coaching sessions, emergency phone consultations, best practice group coaching calls, and our private and secure online Pastor360 Academy.
Pastors are often limited by financial constraints in achieving these objectives on their own. You have a need for your pastor to have his personal affairs in order so he can provide a stronger and more effective ministry to your church and in your community.

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