Welcome to Our Pastor360 Audio Download Page!

You will be inspired by the heart-warming stories of Pastors, Pastors’ wives and individuals which truly come from the heart. Besides reading them, now you can download (MP3) and listen to them in your car, your office, or anywhere you need to be inspired by real life stories of faith, hope and encouragement!

Why are we doing this? It’s simple, because we want to thank you for supporting your Pastor and/or your church by investing in our awesome books. Plus, we want to provide you with the audio MP3 files so you can share them with your friends and family.

If downloading each file seems cumbersome, we have an easier option available…Why not get the entire audio book already formatted on a CD shipped right to your door? The retail price of the audio CD is $9.97, but we at Pastor360 want to do something very special for you…we want to send it to you for free, well almost free (we only ask that you cover the modest shipping & handling of $4.95 to cover our cost.)

Yours in Service,

The Pastor360 Team

Select Your CD Below

Pastor 360 Inspirational Stories:Pastor360 Inspirational Stories Real-Life Stories of Faith, Hope and Encouragement (First Edition) Audio CD
Real-Life Stories of Faith, Hope and Encouragement (First Edition)

Co-Authors Include:

Stephanie Benson, Steven M. Benson, Mark Brandt, Karen Brandt, John Davenport, Al Doering, Phil Esala, Deb Esala, Greg Griffith, David Jung, Jerry Kieschnick, Victor Kollmann, Larry Krueger, Zach McIntosh, David Meggers, Bob Nordlie, Jeff Prewitt, Jane Schnake, Ben Schrank, Bill Tucker, Bill Woolsey, Mark Zehnder, Sharon Zehnder

Yes, please send me the audio CD for only $4.95 to cover the shipping & handling costs!

If You Would Rather Download Each File Separately, One at a Time, Here Are the Links- (Our authors are in the process of recording their chapters, we’ll send you an email when they are uploaded to this page.)

Pastor360 Inspirational Stories: Real-Life Stories of Faith, Hope and Encouragement (First Edition)
