Check Out Why You Should Prayerfully Consider Enrolling in the New and Expanded Pastor360 Summit Being Held in San Antonio, Texas
To Be Determined

Join Rev. Dr. Jerry Kieschnick...Pastor Bill Tucker...Rev. Steve Wagner....and Davy Tyburski...Along With Other Respected and Distinguished Pastors for This Brand New 'Invitation Only' Summit.
The Pastor360 Summit Begins in:

Here's what other Pastors, just like you, are saying about Pastor360 and how they are growing the Kingdom of God with less stress and more balance in their lives.
They [Pastor360] are more concerned about what I get and what I want out of the's more focused on what I need!
Pastor Nathan Wendorf, Harlingen, Texas
…to me Pastor360 has meant a great deal…it has helped my congregation to see me more as an effective leader…they are really reaping the benefits of what they’ve invested so they are very happy with what they’ve seen with Pastor360…
Pastor Bob Hiller, Moorpark, California
I learned a lot of how I can improve my ministry and Pastor360 is just a wonderful's really invaluable!
Randy Fauser, Grace Place Wellness
…If we do not continue to grow and learn from one another and from those who have been there done that but also from folks outside of the church then we’re gonna miss the boat…and we have for too many years…this work is that important…
Pastor Tom Pfotenhauer, Woodbury, Minnesota a son it’s been encouraging to see the support that my father is’s kind of nice to see that no matter the size of the church that guys are coming from there are some common things we all go through…
Pastor Ben Braun “PK” Preacher’s Kid, Austin, Texas
What I got out of this Pastor360 Summit was tremendous very boldly and directly addresses the questions that many of us have asked for years...
Pastor John Davenport, Georgetown, Texas
…when I got the invitation…it was (and is) an answer to prayer…it’s really the genuine investment of men who actually care about me and my spiritual life and walk…it’s also been a big help for my marriage…
Pastor Wayne Braun, Flower Mound, Texas
Pastor360 for me has been an awesome experience... I'm looking forward to continue working with them through the coaching [program].
Pastor Kal Waetzig, Tracy, California
Pastor360 Summit Schedule & Host Hotel Information
- The Pastor360 Summit begins on TBD.
- The Pastor360 Summit will end on TBD.
- Host Hotel: TBD
- Use This Discount Room Link- pending
- Even if you are 'local', we encourage you to stay at our host hotel so you can take advantage of the fellowship opportunities with our Brother Pastors who are attending the Summit.
- Your Pastor360 Summit registration includes: Admission to the Summit + Breakfast + Lunch + Morning snacks + Afternoon snacks + So much more...see all the details below!
Great Content...Great Collegial Time...Great Fun...
Great Opportunity...Great Celebration

A Cornerstone of Pastor360... Showing Appreciation to Our Brothers in Christ
A big part of our Pastor360 culture is recognizing and appreciating our Pastor360 Brothers. Pastor Jerry Kieschnick is shown here presenting Pastor John Davenport with a Pastor360 Award of Excellence. We are looking forward to showing gratitude for you at our summit!
And Recognizing You For the Wonderful Work You are Doing in This World!
Pastor Bill Tucker is shown here presenting Pastor Tim Bohlmann with a Pastor360 Award of Excellence. We are looking forward to recognizing you at our Summit for the awesome work you are doing in this world!

And Acknowledging You For All That You do!
Pastor Steve Wagner presenting Pastor Eric Hiner with a Pastor360 Award of Excellence. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Summit so we can acknowledge you!
Here are the 10 reasons why you do not want to miss this one of a kind Pastor360 Summit. You'll discover:
How you can grow the Kingdom while enjoying less stress and achieving more balance in your life
Fast and effective ways to re-energize your ministry and inspire your congregation to reach lost people
How to avoid and overcome your feelings of frustration and move forward in tackling the ongoing challenges of your ministry
New and effective ways to achieve more balance in your life (not just in your ministry)
Easy ways to inspire members of your congregation to ‘get out of the pews and into the game’ so you can carry out your mission of saving souls even more effectively
Effective methods to prepare and deliver your sermons and the best way to encourage action from your congregation
How to expand your leadership qualities and measure your impact (in ways you probably never thought of)
New ways to expand your outreach while gaining more credibility inside and outside of your congregation
Tips for getting more done in less time so you and your team can grow the Kingdom even faster
And so much more!
Enroll right now because we expect to sell out fast!

You Don't Have to Say 'Yes', Just Say 'Maybe' Because...
Pastor360 offers you a 100%, MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! If after attending the 1st day, you feel that we are not delivering on what is promised on this invitation page, you can choose to turn in your materials and ask for a full 100% REFUND and you’ll get it…
Now there’s no excuse for not attending. If you’re serious about growing the Kingdom with less-stress and more balance in your life, then enroll now before the limited number of slots are filled. Once they’re filled, the Summit will be closed!

- Bonus #1: You’ll receive breakfast each morning (fresh pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, sausage and more)
- Bonus #2: Lunch will be served each day, another opportunity for awesome fellowship
- Bonus #3: You’ll enjoy snack breaks each day
- Bonus #4: And wait…there’s more, you’ll also be treated to evening hot appetizers & cold beverages
- Bonus #5: You'll also be granted FREE Wireless internet access 24×7 in our Pastor360 meeting room & in your guest room
You'll Learn From These Leading Authorities
Pastor360: Making Life and Ministry Better

Gerald (Jerry) B. Kieschnick serves as Chief Executive Officer of Legacy Deo. He served as president of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, a national church body with over six thousand congregations and two million members, from 2001 through 2010. He also served for five years as Presidential Ambassador for Mission Advancement at Concordia University Texas Jerry and his wife, Terry, have two grown children and two grandchildren, all of whom live in Texas.
William (Bill) Tucker is the Senior Pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church that worships over 2,500 each week. He is married to Julie and has four children. He graduated from Concordia University, Chicago with a BA in Theological Languages. Bill also received his M. Div. from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne in 1987.

Davy Tyburski is an American business leader, author and professional speaker. He serves as an elder at Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, Texas. Davy is married to Gail, who is an Intensive Care nurse. Together, they have two sons, Kevin and Dylan. They reside in San Antonio, Texas. Davy is also an avid basketball fan and player.
Steve Wagner served as Executive Director of the Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) located in Dallas, Texas. Prior to his work with PLI, Steve served for 28 years as Senior Pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Carrollton, Texas. He also served at Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, Texas as an Associate Pastor. Steve is married to Rita and they have two adult children: Leah and Lance and daughter-in-law, Jodi.

Pastor360 was created to make life and ministry better for you.
So if you’re still uncertain about attending the Pastor360 Summit...
Answer these 12 questions in the following context and then decide:
How would you answer these questions if YOU were answering as a member of your congregation (or a team member of your church)?
How would your spouse or members of your own family respond?
- What does your pastor say that may telegraph emotions of resentment, disappointment, boredom or drudgery?
- Does your pastor appear to be overworked, overstressed, under-appreciated and unfulfilled?
- Does your pastor usually appear not to be in control of his time and schedule?
- What does your pastor say from the pulpit or in the classroom that may communicate a sense of frustration and futility?
- What ‘signals’ is your pastor giving that may express dissatisfaction with his level of compensation or his family’s financial situation?
- Does your pastor’s spouse appear happy, content and fulfilled or unhappy, irritated, restless and resentful?
- Does your pastor present himself as physically fit and emotionally healthy or slovenly in appearance and self-absorbed in private or public communication?
- Is your pastor well respected by people in your congregation and community?
- Do you get the feeling that your pastor responds to requests for help or counsel with a sense that such requests are impositions or obligations?
- Do you observe that your pastor seems to feel alone, abandoned or ignored?
- Do you perceive that your pastor has a positive self image or that he is overly self critical?
- Do you feel your pastor is considering leaving the pastoral ministry?
Here are some troubling statistics that you may not be aware of.
Pastor360 was created to make life and ministry better for you.
We can help you overcome these challenges and more...
- The biggest problems cited by pastors in their marriages include: inadequate time with their spouse, lack of affection, financial problems, and not enough time with their children.
- Although clergy rank in the top 10% of the population in terms of education, they are 325th out of 432 occupations surveyed in terms of compensation.
- In many surveys, pastors indicate that they frequently feel isolated and have few friends and colleagues to whom they can turn for help.
- Pastors rank third among professionals who are divorced.
- One in four pastors work more than sixty hours a week.
- One in six pastors show signs of serious distress with high levels of isolation, loneliness, fear, abandonment, anger, and boredom.
- One in three pastors leaving the ordained ministry is doing so because of family difficulties.
- Pastors are getting older and few younger pastors are coming after them to replace them.
Source: Andrew J. Weaver, et al., “Mental Health Issues Among Clergy and Other Religious Professionals: A Review of Research,” The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 56, no. 4 (2002): 393-403.

Why Did Pastor360 Create This Summit?
The Pastor360 Summit was actually created by YOU because we asked over 100 Pastors about their top challenges and goals...and the need for this Summit became crystal clear. WARNING: At this summit, we will be talking about the topics that nobody else is talking about. And we're not just going to talk about them, Pastor360 will be providing real-world strategies and techniques to address your real-life issues head on. Here's a summary of the issues we heard from Pastors, just like you:
- Life Balance: Personal-Professional-Physical-Emotional-Spiritual
- Marriage and Family
- Discouragement
- Leadership-Administration-Management
- Compensation
Pastor360 Fills the Gap
The fact is, the seminary does a good job equipping you with the ‘how-to’ of preaching, providing Pastoral care, theology and teaching the Word, but falls a bit short in the areas of:
- Administration (as it relates to Staff Leadership and Management)
- Congregational Leadership
- Development and Training of Team
- Improving Staff Chemistry
- Ministry Balance
- Outreach
- Overcoming Discouragement
- Personal and Professional Time Balance
- Prioritizing Projects
- Staffing, Performance and Motivation
- Stewardship, Raising Funds and Funding the Mission
- Time Management
- Vision Casting
- and so many more areas of ministry (that are critical in order for you to be successful and live a well-balanced life!)
And that's where Pastor360 enters the conversation, we exist to make life and ministry better...better for you, better for your family and better for your church.