Print This Page Because it Contains all of the Summit Details You'll Need to Ensure an Awesome Experience!
Congratulations-You Are CONFIRMED For Our Upcoming Pastor360 Summit in San Antonio, Texas
2017 DATES Tuesday October 17th to Thursday October 19th

Pastor360 Summit Schedule & Host Hotel Information
- The Pastor360 Summit begins on Tuesday October 17th 12:30 pm cst.
- The Pastor360 Summit will end on Thursday October 19th at 12:30 pm cst.
- Even if you are 'local', we encourage you to stay at our host hotel so you can take advantage of the fellowship opportunities with our Brother Pastors who are attending the Summit.
- Your Pastor360 Summit registration includes: Admission to the Summit + Breakfast + Lunch + Morning snacks + Afternoon snacks + So much more...see all the details below!
- Host Hotel: Hyatt Place | 4303 Hyatt Place Drive | San Antonio, TX 78230
- Use This Discount Room Link-
- We suggest you grab a rental car or a taxi from the airport to the hotel, it will only be about a 15 minute ride (the hotel does not offer an airport shuttle service.)
- Special Note: Because you received discounted admission to our Pastor360 Summit, we would greatly appreciate you staying at our host hotel because they have provided discounted accommodations for us.
Great Content...Great Collegial Time...Great Fun...
Great Opportunity...Great Celebration

A Cornerstone of Pastor360... Showing Appreciation to Our Brothers in Christ
A big part of our Pastor360 culture is recognizing and appreciating our Pastor360 Brothers. Pastor Jerry Kieschnick is shown here presenting Pastor John Davenport with a Pastor360 Award of Excellence. We are looking forward to showing gratitude for you at our summit!
And Recognizing You For the Wonderful Work You are Doing in This World!
Pastor Bill Tucker is shown here presenting Pastor Tim Bohlmann with a Pastor360 Award of Excellence. We are looking forward to recognizing you at our Summit for the awesome work you are doing in this world!

And Acknowledging You For All That You do!
Pastor Steve Wagner presenting Pastor Eric Hiner with a Pastor360 Award of Excellence. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Summit so we can acknowledge you!